Posts in ноември
Varna, Bulgaria November 9th and 10th.
Fraport airport managers invited Marc J. de Turck to deliver a 2 days advanced presentation skills seminar.
After his classical introduction on the importance of being there and to look at facts, Marc defined what understanding really is and how to use it in presentations.
He also stressed the importance of using the correct emotions as well as to look for the manifestations of misunderstoods in the public as well as how to use slides and other demo tools. The second day in the afternoon the managers where intereviewed individually whily giving a presentation. A Q and A session on presentation ended the seminar. All where super motivated to present.
Saturday, November 4th 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria.
A Sofia English Kindergarten invited for her teachers as speaker Monique De Clerck
Monique introduced the famous “to be there” exercise showing the importance of being there in relationships , being there together with your body.
More than 30 attendees introduced themselves and got data on “what is understanding” and its 3 elements Affinity-Reality-Communic ation. She gave lots of examples with kids and how to use those elements to get better understanding to and from kids.
The next part dealt about emotions and the importance to use the correct emotions with parents and kids.
Teachers understood in funny way how to be there, to listen, to undertand kids and their parents.
We wish the school success with it.
New Generation Family, under the umbrella of IDEAS Intl, helps families to go better in life.