Todays turbulent world makes it hard for company collaborators to easily understand each other’s tasks, purposes, responsibilities.
This is especially true between the sales and production people.
Misunderstanding reflects inside and outside the company and eventually brings about less growth and prosperity.
This was also one of the challenges which one of our clients faced.
That is why the General Manager of Eltrade (Big Cash register company in Bulgaria) insisted on an internal and external communication seminar to be held to ALL his staff.
IDEAS FreeBoss was invited to deliver a 2 day seminar on internal and external communication and understanding.
Marc J. de Turck stressed on the 3 elements of understanding, Affinity, Reality and Communication (based on the works of L.R.Hubbard).
He stressed the attention on the emotions and what some call emotional intelligence in understanding and communicating.
The results are already visible in the team.
Want to know more about our seminar on understanding: click here
Ознаки: business, Eltrade, management, Marc de Turk, production, sales, training, understanding