Belgorod Seminar on crisis handling becomes an unexpected success

23 јули 2015   •   no comments   
Belgorod Russia, July 16th….. Hotel Aurora.
The organizers team under leadership of Irina (the lady in the middle of the picture) had quite some stops to handle – Sberbank which cancelled the lecture, some competition which spread out some rumors.  
But together with Kamilla and Marc, the team made it go right .

In a couple of hours, Irina managed to get quite a lot of Managers to come to the seminar on crisis handling. 
The seminar was held in – for me – one of the best hotels I have been in, in Russia, Hotel Avrora.

The marketing manager of the hotel attended the seminar.  You can see her talking here on the seminar.

And Marc met with one of the owners of the hotel and congratulated him for the nice environment and excellent service.

The seminar went very well  in classical Marc&Kamilla style.

Marc and Kamilla will continue their tour in Russia with as next city, Astrahan on July 27 – 28th.
More info on

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