May 28th, Kirov Russia.
The local delovoy club with founders Sergei and Andrei, together with the IDEAS FreeBoss rep Anatoli Tkatchenko, organized a 2 days conference on business success in Kirov, Russia.
Marc de Turck was guest speaker on the second day.
Marc helped the more than 60 entrepenreurs in finding a new Blue Ocean, using different methods to think out of the box and to really find a Blue Ocean.
More than 70 % of the 60 entrepreneurs who attended the seminar found a new feasible idea for their business…. A Big success,
At the same time 12 entrepreneurs subscribed for the strategic coaching session of 3 days to make their ideas a reality. This session will be delivered by the Delovoy-club Hubbard Consultants.
More info on the Blue Ocean seminar