Tessaloniki managers learn the secrets of top sales people.

25 јуни 2016   •   no comments   


13509096_10210226965575752_6433166513527038053_nSaturday, June 25th, 2016, Hotel Electra Palace, Tessaloniki Greece.

Business Coaching Lab, AMT Consultants and Leaders Coaching organised a seminar on Sales.


Guest speaker : Marc J. de Turck.

Marc started with the basics as being there, looking, not lying and the difference between facts and opinions.  He stressed that the biggest success lies in conviction and demonstrated what conviction really is.  He then continued with emotions and how to use them in sales and marketing. After lunch he introduced very advanced techniques to make the seminar complete.

+/- 50 managers attended the seminar and for sure will increase their sales.

More info www.ideas-freeboss.com

Reactions of some attendees:

A very interesting seminar, with a very expressive speaker! T. I

Very direct, interesting and the speaker’s approach was really friendly! A.B

Very nice presentation. The speaker managed to keep our interest very high during the seminar! Really practical and efficient. T.G

Perfect organization – smile and personal contact. Wish you the best! K.M

Excellent impressions and very educational seminar. K.M

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